Legal Activity Areas
Our team of professionals aims to assist and support our clients, in any question or difficulty that they may have along their lives, on a national and international level. And that is why the areas of legal activity practiced are the ones that you can find below.
Real Estate and Construction
- Constitution and licensing of Real Estates and
- Construction companies ;
- Building contracts and sub-contracts;
- Real Estate contracts;
- Condominium constitution and general assistance;
- Obtaining planning permissions, habitation/ utilization licenses, tourist licenses;
- Projects and plans;
- Deeds;
- Power of attorney.
Tax Law
- Tax planning and advice;
- Fiscal Representation;
- Lawsuits appeals (and), fiscal claims and pledge in litigious taxation;
- Tax Regime non-habitual resident status;
- Other fiscal matters.
Commercial Law
- Constitution, changing and liquidation of companies;
- Constitution, changing and extinction of associations;
- Constitution and re-domiciliation of offshor associations;
- Creation of branches, agencies and other kind of company representations;
- Purchase and sale of shares and respective transfer;
- Assistance in investment procedures in Portugal.
Family and Inheritance Law
- Pre-Nuptial Agreements;
- Marriage procedures;
- Separation and/or Divorce;
- Child custody disputes;
- Wills;
- Proof of heirs.
Social Security and Labor Law
- Social security subscription (individuals and companies);
- Disciplinary legal proceedings;
- Individual labor contracts and their respective breach;
- Other labor issues.
Public Law
- Assistance in planning and construction projects of enterprises and their various administrative procedures;
- Urban development contracts;
- Environmental and Agriculture licenses;
- licences for the exploitation of water.
Civil and Criminal Law
- Legal advices lawsuits, appeals, fine appeals, including other matters related with civil and criminal law;
- Recognition and execution of foreign court decisions.
- Lawsuit debt collection;
- Judicial Executions.
Banking and Finance
- Opening bank accounts;
- Banking contracts, namely loans applications, consumer credit, purchase and sale with loan and with or without mortgage or other real and personal guarantee;
- Leasing, long term let and renting.
- Civil Law;
- Fiscal Law;
- Commercial Law;
- Criminal Law.
- Condominium constitution and general assistance;
- Legal advices about concrete situations;
- Debt collection condominium ;
- Lawsuits against debtors condominium.
Law infractions
- Right to Hearing in process breaches;
- Judicial Impugnment.
Notarial and Registry Law
- Deeds;
- Land registry;
- Commercial register;
- Vehicles register.
Industrial Property
- Protection of private property rights, through the registration of trademarks, brands and patents;
- Protections of personal data.
Other Activities
- Vehicle legalization;
- Permanent residence in Portugal and visas;
- Legal opinion;
- Legal translations.
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© 2013 by Verónica Pisco
Verónica Pisco - Lawoffice
Tel:(00351) 289358382 (Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)
Email: office@veronicapisco-lawoffice.com
Address: Vale do Lobo - Algarve, Portugal
Tavira - Algarve, Portugal
Lagoa - Algarve, Portugal